January 19 , 2023 - Chinese New Year Gala 2023 Fundraising for BC Cancer Foundation
December 17 , 2022 - Christmas Luncheon Buffet
While celebrating Christmas with fellow lions, friends and relatives, we want to share this joy and happiness with others. This year, our Christmas Luncheon Buffet will raise money for local Foodbank. Please join us for a wonderful afternoon.
Date: December 17 (Saturday)
Time: 11:30am to 2:30pm
Location: Quilchena Golf & Country Club, 3551 Granville Avenue, Richmond
Cost: $40 (member); $60 (non-member); Half price (children 4 - 12); Free (children under 4)
To bring: 2 non-perishable food items or $10 donation to Foodbank (you will receive a free raffle ticket for lucky draw)
Please contact 604-306-6098 to reserve seatings.
February 6 , 2021 - Lions District 19A Service - Food Bank
還不到8 天便是金牛年了,年近歲晚,喜慶洋洋。祝大家新春愉快!
但在疫情下,並不是家家戶戶可以喜慶洋洋!社區內多了一些人是朝不保夕 :有失業的、有低收入的、有無家可歸的、有長期病患的、有殘疾的、有長者的、有單親的、有幼孩的。他們毎天都要面對饑餓!
因此,在 DG Hans Wong 帶領下,Lions 19A大區舉辦了一個慈善「戰勝饑餓」服務項目。鼓勵區內所有獅子會員齊心支持各社區食物銀行,希望將「愛及食物」帶給有需要人士!
以下是特別為 Lions 19A區設立捐款的網址:
- Greater Vancouver - https://vfd.foodbank.bc.ca/fundraiser/LionsDistrict19A
- Richmond - https://www.canadahelps.org/en/pages/lions-district-19a-service-project-to-fight-hunger/
如捐助 $20 或以上 便即時獲取退稅收條。 懇請大家支持食物銀行,發揮獅子服務精神,懷著感恩的歡渡牛年!
Clara Chow
District Global Service Team Coordinator
February 5 , 2021 - Lunar New Year Charity Event
The Year of Ox is soon approaching. Despite the pandemic, our lions have not stopped the mission "To Serve". This year we are proud to organize several event sales for SUCCESS Foundation of BC. To name a few, we have Lunar New Year Meal for 2 delivered to your door, high quality masks and purifiers for sale and silent auction. We could not make this a success without the donations of our lion members, their friends and relatives.
Please check our the link below for more details. While we are celebrating the Chinese New Year, please remember we are also helping others who are in need.
訂購請致電604-418-2800 或
請大家多多支持! 多多益善少少無拘,多謝!
January 1 , 2021 - Richmond Hospital Foundation
Vancouver Diamond Lions was very proud to be a great supporter to the Richmond Hospital Foundation. The fundraising for their Surgical Restart Campaign has not stopped and more support is needed than ever. We encourage our members, their families and friends to click into the link below to donate. Please share our link to your friends and families.

July 1 , 2020 - New Board of Directors 2020-2021
2020-2021 度新理事 選舉圓滿成功,7 月 1 日起生效。名單如下:
Election of new Board of Directors 2020-2021 was successfully completed. It takes effect from July 1st, 2020:
Charter President
Pius Chan
Jackie Lee
Immediate Past President
Clara Chow
1st Vice President
Richie Wong
2nd Vice President
Ludia Li
3rd Vice President
Luigi Lo
Annie Fong
Eric Wan
Membership Director
Konny Chan
Retention Director
Joanne Wang
Marketing Communications Chairperson
Vienna Cheng
Lion Tamer
Robin Lo
Tail Twister
Cassandra Tang
2 Years Director
Hans Wong
2 Years Director
James Lin
2 Years Director
Philip Ho
2 Years Director
Fannie Leung
1 Year Director
Stephen Ng
1 Year Director
Maria Law
1 Year Director
Michelle Leung
1 Year Director
Lisa Tsoi
February 22 , 2020 - Fundraising Event for Wuhan, China
A little deed that matters! ??????
Vancouver Diamond Lions Club is going to collaborate with Hudson’s Bay in Richmond Centre to raise funds for Wuhan which is affected by the novel coronavirus.
Donation box will be set up at The Bay’s entrance (near Topshop) on Feb 13 to Feb 17 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and the following weekends until Mar 1, 2020.
All proceeds go directly to the purchase of masks and other protective wears by the Lions Clubs International Foundation for the medical “virus fighters” in Wuhan.
Any donation of $10 or above is eligible for a lucky draw entry to win the following grand prizes :
- $1,000 Gift Basket from Hudson’s Bay
- $1,099 Filigree Ring with 0.33 Carat TW of Diamonds in 10K Rose and White Gold from Michael Hill
February 15 , 2020 - VDLC Chinese New Year Fundraising Dinner
Chinese New Year Fundraising Dinner, beneficial to SUCCESS and RCCS
In order to fully safeguard the safety and health of our dear guests and community from the prevailing coronavirus, the whole Board of Directors of Vancouver Diamond Lions Club has reached a consent unanimously to cancel the Chinese New Year Charity Dinner 2020 to be held on February 15, 2020 at Continental Seafood Restaurant, until further notice.
Any guests who have purchased and paid for the dinner tickets or advertisements, please contact the respective Lion members for reimbursement.
We apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused to you!
We sincerely wish for the speedy recovery of any infected patients and look forward to a healthy and strong community!
Your continued and kind support to our other service projects and fundraising initiatives will be highly appreciated!
January 22 , 2020 - Visit to Seniors Home